Product code : DT-388
Size for Flat Foot
+90 212 671 20 21
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Product features
♦ Genuine leather
♦ Arch supported insoles
♦ Unisex
♦ Flat feet (turning in) and pes cavus (stepping out)
♦ Number: 21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35
♦ High sandals
♦ Model: DT-388
♦ Flat sole, hollow sole, preventing inward and outward compression
♦ Production: Türkiye
Measure the length between the big toe and the heel with the help of a tape measure and determine the closest foot number.
It is sufficient to measure the area marked with the red arrow in the image below.
Who can use sandals for Flat Foot
Sandals for flat feet and high arches are designed to accommodate individuals who have both flat arches and high arches, providing the necessary support and cushioning for their specific foot needs.
* Child with flat feet or pes cavus foot problems can use our orthopedic shoes
Flatfoot, also known as pes planus or fallen arches, is a common foot condition where the arch of the foot is lower than normal or entirely absent when standing. In individuals with flat feet, the entire sole of the foot makes contact with the ground. Flatfoot can occur in one or both feet and may be present from birth or develop later in life.
There are two main types of flatfoot:
Flexible Flatfoot: In this type, the arch appears when the foot is not bearing weight, but it flattens when the person stands. Flexible flatfoot is common in children and usually resolves on its own as they grow and their foot structures develop.
Rigid Flatfoot: In this type, the arch remains flattened, even when the foot is not bearing weight. Rigid flatfoot may be caused by a structural abnormality or a problem with the foot's bones, tendons, or ligaments. It is less common and may require medical intervention or specialized orthopedic footwear.
Flat feet, also known as pes planus, may present with various indications, ranging from mild to severe. Here are some common indications of flat feet:
► Visible Flattened Arch: When standing, the arch of the foot appears lower or may be entirely absent, and the sole of the foot makes full or near-full contact with the ground.
► Foot Pain: Individuals with flat feet may experience pain or discomfort in the arch, heel, or along the inner side of the foot. The pain may worsen with prolonged standing, walking, or physical activity.
► Swelling: Some people with flat feet may experience swelling along the inside of the ankle, particularly after periods of activity.
► Tired Feet: Flat feet can cause feet to feel tired or achy after standing or walking for extended periods.
► Foot Fatigue: Individuals with flat feet may experience fatigue or muscle cramps in the feet and legs due to the altered alignment of the foot.
► Overpronation: Flat feet can lead to overpronation, where the foot rolls excessively inward during walking or running, affecting gait mechanics.
► Shoe Wear Patterns: Uneven or excessive wear on the inner side of the shoes is common in individuals with flat feet due to the uneven distribution of weight.
► Reduced Arch Height in Non-Weight Bearing Position: When the individual sits or lies down, the arch of the flat foot may not rise as much as typical feet do, even when not bearing weight.
► Foot Instability: Flat feet may lead to reduced foot stability, making it more challenging to balance and causing potential issues during physical activities.
It is important to note that not all individuals with flat feet will experience symptoms, and some people may have flexible flat feet that resolve naturally during growth and development. However, if flat feet are causing discomfort, pain, or mobility issues, it's essential to seek advice from a healthcare professional, such as a podiatrist or orthopedic specialist, for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. Treatment options may include supportive footwear, orthotic inserts, physical therapy, or other interventions depending on the severity and impact on daily activities.
Pes cavus, also known as high arches, is another foot condition characterized by an abnormally high arch of the foot when standing. In individuals with pes cavus, only the ball of the foot and the heel make contact with the ground. The arch is higher and more pronounced than the normal foot arch.
Like flatfoot, pes cavus can also be flexible or rigid:
Flexible Pes Cavus: The arch appears even higher when the foot is not bearing weight, but it may partially flatten when standing or walking.
Rigid Pes Cavus: The arch remains high and rigid, with minimal flattening when standing or walking.
Pes cavus can be caused by various factors, such as neurological conditions, hereditary factors, or muscle imbalances. Depending on the severity and underlying cause, pes cavus may lead to foot pain, instability, and difficulties with walking or wearing regular footwear.
Both flatfoot and pes cavus may require appropriate footwear, orthotics, or other interventions to address any discomfort or walking issues associated with these conditions. It's essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.
What are Pes Cavus Indications?
Pes cavus, also known as high arches, may present with various indications, ranging from mild to severe. Here are some common indications of pes cavus:
High Arch: The most apparent indication of pes cavus is an abnormally high arch of the foot when standing, with only the ball of the foot and the heel making contact with the ground.
Claw-Like Appearance: The foot may appear more curved or claw-like due to the elevated arch.
Foot Pain: Individuals with pes cavus may experience pain or discomfort on the ball of the foot, the heel, or along the outside edge of the foot. Pain may worsen with prolonged standing, walking, or physical activity.
Foot Instability: Pes cavus can lead to reduced foot stability, making it more challenging to balance and causing potential issues during physical activities.
Difficulty Finding Properly Fitting Shoes: Due to the high arch shape, individuals with pes cavus may have difficulty finding shoes that fit comfortably and provide adequate support.
Calluses or Corns: The increased pressure on specific areas of the foot can lead to the development of calluses or corns.
Ankle Instability: The elevated arch may contribute to ankle instability and an increased risk of ankle sprains.
Foot Fatigue: Pes cavus can cause foot fatigue or muscle cramps in the feet and legs due to the altered foot alignment.
Gait Abnormalities: Pes cavus may lead to gait abnormalities, such as supination, where the foot rolls outward during walking or running.
It's important to note that not all individuals with pes cavus will experience symptoms, and some people may have flexible pes cavus where the arch appears more pronounced when the foot is not bearing weight, but it partially flattens when standing or walking. However, if pes cavus is causing discomfort, pain, or mobility issues, it's essential to seek advice from a healthcare professional, such as a podiatrist or orthopedic specialist, for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. Treatment options may include supportive footwear, orthotic insole, physical therapy, or other interventions depending on the severity and impact on daily activities.
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Product price : 189.00 USD
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